
Wednesday, 6 April 2011

People, Places, Things and Events

Technology with children:
This is my story
We are surrounded by technology in our everyday lives, no sooner have we managed to master how to use the latest technology whether it be a computer, iPods or television it has become outdated and is replaced by something bigger or as the case may be smaller faster and better. I began to ponder as I sat with a small group of children about how technology has changed our way of thinking and learning. Not so many years ago a child would have drawn a picture and the teacher would have asked what it was about and written a brief description. Technology has changed how we document learning providing us with so many more possibilities.
 Today as I sat with a group of children who were drawing pictures at the activity table they began to talk about what they were drawing. “I am drawing our trampoline” said L. Another was drawing herself as a baby so I asked the children if I could help them to write their own stories on the computer. There was much excitement; the children were very excited at being able to use my laptop.
 A learning process began. Once L had finished her drawing she took some photos of it, we then down loaded the photos onto my laptop. L was very interested in the process and made a comment that her dad has photos on his computer. We went into word document and L chose a title for her story, she chose the colour and the font. L is not yet able to write her own story however she was given an opportunity to develop an understanding of the concept of literacy through technology. This supports an environment where L is encouraged to take some ownership of her learning and is able to develop communication skills for a range of purposes such as by choosing her own font and the colours she would like to use, (Ministry of Education, 1996).
We then up lifted the photo and inserted a text box and her story began. As L told her story I typed it out word for word, once it was typed we went to the printer to print then retrieve the story. She chose to put her story into her portfolio and because she was so proud of her work. I printed off another for her to take home and share with her family.
 Digital media such as the photo taken of the drawing provide opportunities for children to tell their stories in a narrative way. With adults facilitating digital and computer activities this provides support for children in their development of technological literacy, (Siraj-Blatchford & Whitebread, 2003). Educators play an important role in providing environments that encourage a wide variety of experiences for learning.  
We had a fabulous afternoon. I began with a small group of children but curiosity caught on and soon we had the interest of other children.
The children were very excited about writing their own story and to be able to follow a process that enabled them to see a published result. It is important that children have the opportunity to develop their confidence in technology so that they can continue to increase knowledge and skills and begin to understand that there are many possibilities to explore in being able to learn in a fun way, (Smorti, 1999).
I would like to extend the learning from this experience by suggesting that we write and publish an illustrated story that we can put together using the same process. The result would be a published book that can be placed in the library to be enjoyed by all.
Children really enjoy projects that have started from a chance event that is a reflection of their real life experiences. It was fun to be a partner alongside the children in their learning with my role being to provide the recourses, support and guidance in their journey of discovery ( Siraj-Blatchford & Whitebread, 2003).

Ministry of Education. (1996) Te Whāriki: He Whāriki mātauranga mo nga mokopuna o       Aotearoa. Wellington: Learning Media.

Smorti, S. (1999) Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, No. 19 Autumn 1999.

Siraj-Blatchford, J. & Whitehead, D. (2003). Supporting Information and Communications Technology in the Early Years. Maidenhead: England. Open University Press.


  1. Hello Julie,

    Well done Julie it was such a great opening on your post. I like how you have acknowledged that we are surrounded by technology. Very true!!! I have done a similar post on my blog about using ICT and technology. I did find similarities, however I really enjoyed the way you have used it for the children to self asses their own learning and you extended on the learning that was already taking place. I have found you were very considerate of empowering the children to make their own decisions, and involving them in the process, rather than taking over. I also believe that you are thinking wider and deeper about your role and the use of ICT in the centre by extending on making a book to further children’s learning. It was interesting to see how one interest has gone further into another interest from drawing to the use of ICT. I have enjoyed the way you have taken the opportunity and recognised what a valuable learning experience that could take place.
    Your narrative discussion was very clear and I found reading this I was able to see your role and how you worked alongside the children. You also thought about how to incorporate families into this ICT experience by acknowledging that children’s learning journal as well as giving them to the children to take home. This has given me some ideas in my own practice and given me the opportunity in ways I can extend my own role, thank you Julie for your post.
    I was wondering if this is a common occurrence within the centre that children have access to the camera, and also if they can use it openly to document and self asses own learning.

  2. Thank you Nikola for your positive feedback. You asked if it was a common occurrence in my centre that children have access to a camera to document their own learning. The answer is no they do not have cameras for their own use but yes as teachers we like to encourage children to explore photography to help them in their learning. I think it is important that we not only encourage children to document their learning but that they develop an understanding of how and why things are. When children ask me if they can take a photo I try never to say no unless we at the beach!!
